$77.00 USD

Get the exact SOPs that I use in my own agency.

Ads management, social media management, client onboarding, brand research, meta and Google campaign management, funnels and ads audits, leads and sales tracking. 

High Ticket Sales Secrets


⚡️High Ticket Sales Principles: I’m going to let you in on the fundamental principles that underpin successful high-ticket sales. With them, you’ll be able to attract and persuade any high-ticket client to work with you on a retainer, paying you anywhere from $2k to $15k per month - depending on your niche. Trust me, having these principles by your side before you enter a Zoom call with a prospect is well worth 100X the price of this bundle. 

⚡️The 7 Beliefs of High Ticket Sales: Dive into the mindset and strategies that are essential for mastering high-ticket sales. These are the very tactics that transformed my hesitant leads into committed, high-value clients. Armed with these beliefs, your sales conversations can turn into successful closings with ease

⚡️Beyond The Script: Sub-Communication in High Ticket Sales: Uncover the potent impact of non-verbal cues in high-ticket sales. More than your words, it's how you present them. Drawing from my own experiences, I'll show you how the right posture, tone, and presence can make all the difference. It's these nuanced skills that elevate a good salesperson to a great one.

⚡️High Ticket Sales Call Framework and Script: A detailed guide to effectively close high-ticket sales. This framework is the essence of my experiences and successful strategies in the high-stakes world of sales. This isn't just theory but a practical, tested path to success, empowering you to approach every sales call with confidence and expertise.

⚡️Objection Handling Framework and Guide: Transform objections into opportunities with this strategic three-part framework. In sales, objections are opportunities for deeper understanding and agreement. The workbook is filled with real-life examples and effective responses that have converted doubtful prospects into satisfied, high-paying clients.

⚡️Top Objections And How To Respond: Uncover how to navigate the most common objections with effective responses. You'll master the art of addressing objections in a way that not only resolves concerns but also showcases your strengths. Being well-prepared with these tactics ensures you’re always ahead in any sales discussion.